S.T. Design . Sakhtartarh

Jam petrochemical headquarter

Location: Tavanir, Tehran, Iran
Constructed area: 8000 sqm
Status: completed
Procedure: 2010-2011
Client: Jam petrochemical company

When this project was delegated us, its concrete structure had been already completed as a residential complex. This complex with total area of 8000sqm was located in a 1675sqm piece of land. We were expected to rearrange the design which was planned for residential function to an en bloc headquarter of a company. The major factor limiting design procedure was the time to complete the project. We had to design, reinforce structure, plan all supply system and then complete all of them in just 9 month. So first design priority, was creating a simple and clear mass that its details worked out perfectly. The client persisted us illustrating their industrial spirit in the façade. But in interior spaces we have engaged white surfaces to make it calm.